Virtual Workstations

 Choose the Best Virtual Workstations for Your 3D Applications | Designairspace   


For architects, engineers, and designers (AED) designairspace provides the virtual workstation on which you can run your 3D CAD (Computer-aided design) and BIM (Building Information Modeling) applications with an internet connection from anywhere.


If you are an Engineer, Architects, and Designer, work on complex 3D applications then designairspace provides Virtual Workstations for Architects as well as for Engineers to design 3D Model.


For AED work we require a powerful computer with advanced graphics cards. This type of computer is very expensive. To reduce the IT cost and high performance use virtual workstations provided by Designairspace. 


Use Designairspace to connect your virtual workstation to the cloud which provides the same power and speed as your office desktop machine. 





We provide NVIDIA’s latest GPU technology with us

Our virtual CAD machines offer stunning graphical performance.


Designairspace saves at least 20% in IT cost in the comparison with your CAD and BIM workstation.

Why use virtual workstations? If you want to >>>>>

  1. Ø  Remote working/Working from Home/ Hybrid working
  2. Ø  Multi office collaboration
  3. Ø  Freelancers, contractors, and interns
  4. Ø  Casual and part-time users
  5. Ø  Training and education
  6. Ø  Testing, Trials, Demo’s and SaaS
  7. Ø  Business Continuity

Benefits of Designairspace:-

1.     Specially designed for 3D Apps

2.     Flexible (Pay as you Go/Scale-up and Down)

3.     Zero IT knowledge required

4.     Try before you buy

5.     Secure 

Virtual Workstations for CAD and BIM:-

1)     Medium CAD Workstation  --$20.00
2)     Large CAD Workstation --$30.00
3)     XL CAD Workstation --$45.00
4)     XL CAD Workstation - One Day Training Machine --$25.00
5)     XL CAD Workstation - Yearly Plan  --$1,440.00 

Request your free trial try our XL Machine for 3 days with your own CAD or BIM application. 

  • 32 GB RAM
  • 8 GB vGPU
  • 6 Cores
  • 100 GB Disk

For more information and Visit our Plans and Pricing Visit: ----à    Designairspace

 Website:- or call us +49 151 212 87097.


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